As a client of Dentalytec, you may select and utilize any or all of the 8 different Ranges of Dental Sterilization Cassettes; AND/OR silicone colours, in ALL of our Dental Sterilization Cassettes and Products to further assist you in customizing & organizing your practice.

Each week we will look at a procedure most often performed and made recommendations (in our humble opinion) as to the Dental Sterilization Cassette or product we would recommend and why.

Filling a cavity

Instruments used

1. Plastic Filling Instrument


2. Diamond Carver


3. Hollenback Carver


4. Parallelogram carver


5. Ball burnisher


6. Dental Burs


Recommendations: Dentalytec’s Clip Tray Sterilization Cassette Range & Burguards

This is one of our Cassette Tray Range Dental Sterilization Cassettes. Clip Tray S .

As the mouth mirrors used might be quite bulky, the Clip Tray is the recommended choice as it will not damage the mirrors or the other Instruments in any way.

The easy to use Clip secures the Instruments whilst protecting the tips and mirrors by not enclosing over them.

Dentalytec has 3 types of Burguards:

 5 x RA;  5 x FG;  2 x  RA + 3 x FG
